Monday 1 June 2015

Learning is Difficult, but not Impossible.

Learning is always difficult at the beginning, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end. At some point of time when you are in the middle of the learning process, you will feel like quitting the learning, but never do that. Make your skin thick, so that you can bear the pain and move on, but never quit. When you will go through and cross the difficult situations, at the other end you will be the next version of you. I am learning Software Testing. Testing Software is not an easy job. You need to think in a various ways to find bugs; you need to investigate the software. Investigation should not have negligence, while investigating you should have focus and you have to be confident in you.

Learn fearlessly, let go the fear from you and remove that from your mind, of course you need practice for that, but you have to be fearless to learn effectively. You do fewer mistakes when you are fearless. Don’t worry if you do mistakes while learning, it is common but don’t make that as habit. Don’t do the mistakes again and again. Learn from the mistake understand the consequences of that mistake and never do it again. Practice those things in which you are lacking. Give extra time to improve your skills. Make better use of the resources, it may be your friends, colleagues, books, and Internet. Internet can be your friend, can be your book, and can be the best resource when it comes to learning. And don’t hurry to learn, take your time.

Whatever you learn share it with someone. So that it will be practice for you and you will remember things for long time. I am learning python programming language. I found this as more interesting because I can play with it. I can communicate with the computer in its language. I have enrolled to python programming language from you can find many websites like this to learn over the internet.

On the Day 1 when I was started testing my first project at Test Insane I was scared, that what I need to test first?  What if I don’t find the bugs? How can I prepare the bug report? I think every tester goes through these situations for the first time. Later I felt happy in the beginning when I started testing the Sign up form. I found a couple of bugs and then I logged the first bug in our bug tracker. My mentor Santhosh Tuppad helped me to understand the bug tracker and how to log in the bugs. I did some mistakes even after he taught me how to do. I think the reason why I did mistake is lack of focus and lack of confidence. And then my mentor showed me bugs, and he explained me how to find bugs. I understood that I need more practice, I need to focus, and I need to be fearless. I have to improve my English; I have to practice a lot. 

On the second day when I started testing, I found some bugs and I found them in a different way than previous experiences. It was interesting and I felt confident that time, I found more bugs than day 1. I learned how to find bugs, what the key points are and how I should see things differently to
find bugs. I am working on my written communication skills to write the error free bug report.


  1. Brother, I have started to like your writings. I like it when you say "error free bug report". Its like saying, "I do not know about bug free software, but I can be responsible for bug free bug report". That's awesome.

    Keep rocking :-)

    1. Thank you :) You have given me Freedom. It's time for me to Amaze you.
